Posts tagged with 'transfer'
Renewable Energy Investments in Turkey-Local Manufacture Issues
Devamı... »Frequently Asked Questions about Investing in Turkey-Renewable Energy- Production Phase
1) 55% - What is the content of the 55% local production that the law requires? How is it determined?
Licensed legal entities who intend to benefit from Support Mechanism, shall submit the Certificate of Conditions for Domestic Manufacturing which is drafted by certified public accountant, Type Certificate and Certificate of Unit Verification, certificate of information of domestic manufacturer to the ...
Taxation Issues under the Agreement between Turkish Government and the Federal Republic of Germany for the Avoidance Double Taxation
Devamı... »Please contact bkiranci@gmail.com for legal and financial services.
Pursuant to the article 5 of the Double Taxation Agreement between Turkish Government and the Federal Republic of Germany for the Avoidance Double Taxation and pursuant to the article 11 of Corporate Tax Law which provides that the corporates whose legal and business centers are not located in Turkey shall be only taxed over income they make in Turkey, if ...